Should You Change Your Wi-Fi Password to Show Your Fan Loyalty? Don’t! – Stay Safe with a VPN Instead!

February 15, 2017 Posted in VPN Education by No Comments

A known cable Internet provider in the US is being ridiculed for goading customers to change their Wi-Fi password to their favorite football team set out to battle each other in the Super Bowl. This is the outcome of an idea that seems brilliant, the key word here being ‘seems!’ Why push fans to change their passwords? The idea wouldn’t be half as bad if the Wi-Fi router SSID change. The idea is a distasteful attempt at riling customers for the upcoming Superbowl. On a tweet on 23rd Monday, Charter Spectrum, the 2nd largest Internet Service Provider and cable provider in the United States, urged fans to change their Wi-Fi passwords to proclaim their loyalties to anyone who wants to log in. #ThatsMyTeam. Really? Maybe, the main idea behind this change, support either New England Patriots or Atlanta Falcons by changing passwords to GO_NEWENGLAND or GO_ATLANTA, respectively.

It is an open challenge for all the basement hackers to go all out if customers do heed to the cable provider’s advice. Any password which is small is easily hackable. Attackers can easily steal Internet bandwidth, poke through all your browsing history, and in extreme cases, hijack your connection. Social media campaign during SuperBowl continues in spite of warnings from cybersecurity experts and IT professionals.

Switch to VPN if you want all round protection

Most computer users are switching to VPN for additional security and extra privacy. While the dangers of IPv6 leakage always looms, a VPN’s still the best choice out there. A VPN can offer a private network which is secured across an unsecured network like the World Wide Web. Virtual Private Networks offer a secure means of encapsulating and encrypting data while it travels through a bridging network. To maintain the confidentiality of the data, the information is encrypted. Additionally, data is blanketed in an IP header (encapsulation) with directions to the routing information.

The user can be on the road, at work or on site and still be connected to the server via the Internet, securely. VPNs are generally used in two ways – accessing a private network via the Internet through a VPN connection or through a remote office connection to a corporate connection which runs either an on-demand site-to-site or persistent VPN.

A VPN is your best bet when it comes to Internet security.

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