The Internet Cannot be Secured, But You Can Stay Safe With VPN

March 22, 2017 Posted in VPN Education by No Comments

The biggest myth of the 21st century is that Internet of Things (IoT) and internet is 100% secure. There still remains a wide gap to seek a solution with adequate safety standards. When it was originally conceived, Internet was designed to be a walled garden with restricted and exclusive access to the deeper kernels, bestowed only to a few. As technology advanced, digging out entry portals and keeping misbehavers out became tiring. Original design of the Internet was sturdy against any technical difficulties but defenseless against any malicious intent of those who have access. Defense of the Internet is limited only to the physical perimeter it holds.

The Internet cannot be Secure, here’s why

Security is becoming a grieve concern mainly because the original layout of the internet was not built so to handle the growing number of additions or branching out into IoT. Also, the most common operating system is Microsoft Windows which was primarily designed for stand-alone systems. When these systems are plugged into a LAN, security model is again restricted to the physical radius.

One look at the information hosted on the net, it is evident that bloggers and web applications are bathed in security loopholes given their cheap rates of hosting. Choosing a web portal for bloggers is based on the price and the glitzy features it offers; security is dismissed as an errant child because it is still viewed as mirage that only a few succumb to. Those who wish to bolster security for an existing design find it hard because fitting a defense mechanism into an established design increases the complexity of use and access. People using a particular portal choose not to add extra security features because of the inconvenience it causes.

Lack of security measures leads to ISP and network irresponsibility. An analogy to better understand the growing concern on security is: consider a wall built around a fortress. By the virtue of forming a barrier the wall offers some form of security, but if the wall is filled with holes and is made of porous material it is incapable of withstanding even the slightest force.

The solution here is not to rebuild the wall, but to strengthen it by switching to a VPN. Till the time there is a collective change in attitude towards internet security and the adoption rate of VPN increases, many will continue to succumb to data fishing and hostage.

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