Why Hackers Will Always Be Ahead of IT Security Technology

March 29, 2017 Posted in Privacy News by No Comments

The reality is harsh, there is no sugar coating it: hackers will always be one step ahead of IT security technology. If there were a score card of hackers vs. IT security technology, hackers would be in the clear lead considering their prolific run in the recent past. The truth of the matter is that hackers are not some bored, over smart gangly teenager working out of their basement but regular Jo’s who are a part of the highly lucrative industry of Cybercrime as a Service (CaaS).

Why are Hackers in the Lead? 

Cost of hacking into a business varies according to the type of business. Financial institutions pay the highest price of a hack. To make the situation worse, there are organized gangs which are out there to rob data and IP from all companies which can then be sold for a profit in the black market. All the hackers who target one region are generally based overseas beyond the reach of legal authorities.

One thing in common with all the hackers: they do what they do for profits. Some people invest money in the stock market for profit while some might hack into a company’s database and hold the information for a ransom. Most favorite target of novice hackers is SME and with experience they become braver and peruse bigger enterprises. Making their job easier is the time taken to detect these malwares. There are few intelligent malwares which go unnoticed for years together.

Latest trend in hacking is through the target company’s staff. This technique is known as water-holing or spear-phishing. Human error gives every hacker a golden key to enter the system and not all processes can be automated.

Deadbolt the Company Security Doors by Switching to a VPN

If a company wants to stay safe, apart from following all the safety precautions and endless hours of employee training, the easiest solution is switching to a VPN. When all the information is encrypted, accessing it from the inside will not result in any substantial data, either. Kidnapping the data through deceitful interception will be useless if the information is decrypted only at the end of the tunnel. Before looking into any other source of increasing network security or investing in training programs switch to VPN. Staying ahead of the cyber criminals has never been this easy!

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